The National Bank of Romania Printing Works has a long tradition in the banknotes and bond print field and continues to manufacture its products with great responsibility.
According to the government decision no. 231/1991, the National Bank of Romania Printing Works is a state enterprise, operating under the authority of the National Bank of Romania by economic management and financial autonomy.
The National Bank of Romania Printing Works is organised and operates according to the provisions referred to in Law no. 15/1990 on the reorganisation of state economic units as state enterprises and trading companies, with subsequent amendments and in the Organisation si Functioning Regulations, which is included in the government decision no. 231/1991.
In the light of its activities, being a public enterprise of national interest that creates economic value, the greater part of the assets is allocated for the purpose of fulfilling its main objective: printing the banknotes needed for an adequate monetary circulation, as requested by the standards of the National Bank of Romania.